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How to Attract “Experience Seeker” Hotel Guests

Today’s post-pandemic guests seek experiences that enrich their lives and travels.

About one-third of global survey respondents say they’re more open now to exploring new travel destinations than they were before the beginning of the pandemic, according to “Travel in 2022: A Look Ahead,” a report on travelers’ habits and desires by TripAdvisor.

“For millions, the COVID-19 pandemic has brought to light just how important the simple act of traveling is and how much enrichment it brings to life,” says the TripAdvisor report:

“The world continues to feel the effects of COVID-19 with new variants, but people across the globe are still finding ways to safely get back out there and explore the world. This appetite for the ‘new’ provides the perfect opportunity for businesses to capture a new customer, so they should bear this in mind when planning marketing strategies for the year ahead.”

According to the survey, the top three things respondents say they consider when planning future travel are all about these “immersive” experiences:

  • Seeing new places
  • Having new experiences
  • Learning about history and culture

Urban exploration is also high on the list of leisure travelers seeking experience, according to a March 2022 article in the New York Times:

“After more than two years of avoiding urban centers, travelers are eager to return to their favorite metropolis and swan dive into the sights, bites and sounds of a city that is not their own.”

If your hotel is in a large city, popular tourist destination or even a lesser-known destination with attractions only the locals know, here are ways your hotel can provide guests “experiences” that meet their needs for exploration, adventure and all the comforts of hotel accommodations.

Offer immersive, local experiences

“When planning future trips, 34% of American travelers said that it’s more important now than before the pandemic that they choose a destination where they can immerse themselves in “authentic local experiences,” matching those in the UK who said the same,” according to the TripAdvisor report.

Ways to offer guests immersive experiences include:

  • Partnering with local tour operators that offer a discount to hotel guests
  • Including local dining, entertainment and attractions in room packages
  • Hosting nightly happy hours in the lobby so guests can mingle and meet people from other cities and countries
  • Placing brochures for local attractions and sightseeing in the lobby
  • Posting social media content that highlights local attractions, entertainment, restaurants with local cuisine and hotel features that offer a more satisfying guest experience
  • Providing transportation to local attractions, restaurants and nightlife

Incorporating elements that celebrate the local culture into your hotel’s lobby, rooms and activities is another way to satisfy guests seeking experience travel.

“Travelers are often more eager to get to know the local people than find a similar group of people from amongst the crowds,” according to hospitality software company Hoteliga. “They are here to explore, and the best thing you can do is provide the grounds for exploration by providing exposure to the local culture in the form of décor, artwork, mini local tours, or mini-events within the hotel lounge.”

Showcase your destination on your hotel website

“Your very first means of communication or your primary gateway to your audience is via the internet,” says Hoteliga. “Your very first impression of them will be what they see on your pages or your website. Therefore, maintaining your website is of immense importance.

“You need to keep it up to date with the latest pictures, rates, and news. Also, optimize your website as per the present-day requirements, so it competes well with others in search engines.”