Best Practices and up to the minute news on Customer Experience Management and Service Excellence

Manager’s Check list

So you’ve decided to do your own version of “undercover boss” to make sure your customers feel welcome. Here are a few things to look for when it comes to hellos and goodbyes.
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  • When you call to find out the hours of operation or directions, is the recorded phone message designed to make you feel welcome?
  • If your business has an 800 number, does the customers service representative answering the phone saying hello and perhaps asking you have you are doing today?
  • When you have a first face-to-face interaction with a member of the staff, maybe a doorman, a valet or a receptionist, do they greet you with a smile?
  • Do you get a feeling that the person greeting you is reading the signals your body language is sending? Do you feel that they care about you?
  • When you leave the business, does any one thank you for coming and leave you with a message that will make you look forward to coming back?